Sharyn O'Halloran

Welcome to Sharyn O'Halloran's Website


Sharyn O'Halloran serves as the Strategic Academic Leadership Initiative Professor of Political at Trinity College Dublin in Ireland, and in 2006, she was named the George Blumenthal Professor of Political Economy and Professor of International and Public Affairs at Columbia University in New York City. A political scientist and economist by training, O’Halloran has written extensively on issues related to the political economy of international trade and finance, regulation and institutional reform, economic growth and democratic transitions, and the political representation of minorities. 

Professor O’Halloran received a BA degree in economics and political science from the University of California, San Diego. O’Halloran then received her MA and PhD. from the University of California, San Diego, and an MS in Enterprise Risk Management from Columbia University. O'Halloran's work focuses on formal and quantitative methods and their application to politics, economics, and public policy. 

Her publications include Politics, Process and American Trade Policy (University of Michigan Press), Delegating Powers (Cambridge University Press), The Future of the Voting Rights Act (Russell Sage Foundation), as well as numerous journal articles on administrative procedures and agency design, with application to U.S. trade and financial regulatory policy, including those published in the American Journal of Political Science, the American Political Science Review, International Organization, Yale Law Journal, NYU Law Journal, and the Journal of Law, Economics and Organization



Ph.D. Political  Science, University of California, San Diego

M.A. Political  Science, University of California, San Diego

M.S. Enterprise Risk Management, Columbia University

B.A. Economics and Political Science University of California, San Diego


Publications (Select)

Books (Peer Review)

2019      After the Crash: Financial Crises and Regulatory Responses. Co-edited.  New York: Columbia University Press.

2006      The Future of the Voting Rights Act. Co-edited.  New York: Russell Sage Foundation.

1999      Delegating Powers: A Transaction Cost Politics Approach to Policy Making Under Separate Powers.  Co-authored.  New York:
Cambridge University Press.

1994 Politics, Process and American Trade Policy.  Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press. 

Articles in Journals (Peer Review)

    2024     "Computing the impact of central clearing on systemic risk." Co-authored. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence.  7          

    2021        "Delegation and the Regulation of U.S. Financial Markets." Co-authored. European Journal of Political Economy, 102058.

2019      “La délégation du pouvoir règlementaire dans l’Union Européenne : un sujet technique aux conséquences trèsvastes”
Co-authored. Banque et Stratégie.

2019      An Artificial Intelligence Approach to Regulating Systemic Risk” Co-authored. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence, 2:7.

2018      Delegating Regulation: European Union and Financial Markets” Co-authored. Annales Des Mines - Réalités Industrielles Février,
4: 91-111.

2017      Big Data and Graph Theoretic Models: Simulating the Impact of Collateralization on Financial System.” Co-authored. ASONAM '17:
Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining, July 2017,
Pages 1056–1064.

2017      “Daisy Chains and Non-cleared OTC Derivatives.” Co-authored. Banking & Financial Services Policy Report 36 (2): 10-12.

2016      “Data Science and Political Economy: Application to Financial Regulatory Structure. Co-authored. Journal of the Social Sciences
2 (7).

2015      Big Data and the Regulation of Banking and Financial Services. Co-authored. Banking & Financial Services Policy Report 34 (12):

2015      “Big Data and the Regulation of Financial Markets.” Co-authored.  ASONAM ’15 Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE/ACM International
Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining: 1118-1124. ACM New York, NY, USA.

2012      “Minorities and Democratization.” Co-authored.  Economics and Politics, 24: 259-278.

2008      “Does the New VRA Section 5 Overrule Georgia v. Ashcroft?” Co-authored.  NYU Annual Survey of American Law 63:619: 631-59.

2008      “Delegation Games and Sovereignty in International Organizations.”  Co-authored Law & Contemporary Problems 71; 77-92.

2007      “The Paradox of Retrogression in the New VRA: Comment on Persily.” Co-authored. Yale Law Journal 117, Pocket Part 10.

2007      “Estimating the Impact of Redistricting on Minority Substantive Representation” Co-authored. Journal of Law, Economics &
Organization, 23: 499-518.

2006      A Strategic Dominance Argument for Retaining Section 5 of the VRA.”  Co-authored. Election Law Journal 5 (3): 283-292.

2006      “Democratic Transitions.” Co-authored.  American Journal of Political Science 50 (July): 551–569.

2002      “Comitology’, Delegation and the Separation of Powers in the European Union.” Co-authored. International Organization 56 (summer):

2001      “Legislative Organization under Separate Powers.” Co-authored.  Journal of Law, Economics & Organization 17 (October): 373-396.

1999      “The Non-Delegation Doctrine and Separate Powers: A Political Science Approach.” Co-authored.  The Cardozo Law Review 20
(January): 947-87.

1999      “A Social Science Approach to Race, Redistricting, and Representation.”  Co-authored. American Political Science Review 93 (March):

1999      “Measuring the Electoral and Policy Impact of Majority-Minority Voting Districts.”  Co-authored. American Journal of Political Science
43 (April): 367-95.

1999      “Asymmetric Information, Delegation, and the Structure of Policy-Making.” Co-authored. Journal of Theoretical Politics 11: 37-56.

1997      “A Comparative Approach to Legislative Organization: Careerism and Seniority in the United States and Japan.”  Co-authored. 
American Journal of Political Science 41: 965-988.

1996      “Do Majority-Minority Districts Maximize Substantive Black Representation in Congress?”  Co-authored. American Political Science
Review 90: 794-812.

1996      “The Partisan Paradox and the U.S. Tariff, 1877 to 1934.”  Co-authored. International Organization 50: 301-324.

1996      “Divided Government and the Design of Administrative Procedures: A Formal Model and Empirical Test.”  Co-authored.  Journal of
Politics 58: 393-417.

1995      A Theory of Strategic Oversight: Congress, Lobbyists, and the Bureaucracy.” Co-authored.  Journal of Law, Economics & Organization
11: 227-55.

1994      “Divided Government and U.S. Trade Policy.”  Co-authored.  International Organization 48: 595-632.

1994      “Administrative Procedures, Information, and Agency Discretion.”  Co-authored. American Journal of Political Science 38: 697-722.

Articles in Edited Volumes (Peer Review)

2019      “Introduction: Overview of the Financial Crisis and its Impacts,” in Ten Years After the Financial Crisis Edited by Sharyn O'Halloran.
New York: Columbia University.

2019      “Trends in Financial Market Regulation,” in Ten Years After the Financial Crisis Edited. New York: Columbia University.

2019      “Delegation and Administrative Lobbying in Rule-Making” Co-authored in Ten Years After the Financial Crisis. New York: Columbia

2019      “The Impact of Regulation on Systemic Risk,” in Ten Years After the Financial Crisis. New York: Columbia University.

2019      “A Data Science Approach to Predict the Impact of Collateralization on Systemic Risk.” in Social Network Analysis Lecture Series.
Edited by Reda Alhaij. Co-authored. New York: Springer.

2016      “Computational Data Sciences and the Regulation of Banking and Financial Services.” in Social Network Analysis Lecture Notes.
Edited by Reda Alhaij. Co-authored.  New York: Springer.

2009      “Caucuses and Primaries under Proportional Representation,” in The Political Economy of Democracy.  Edited by Enriqueta Aragones,
Carmen Bevia, Humberto Llavado, and Norman Schofield.  Co-authored.  Bilbao, Spain: Fundación BBVA.

2009      Implementing the Agreement: Partisan Politics and WTO Dispute Settlement,” in Frontiers of Economics and Globalization. Edited by
James Hartigan.  Co-authored. New York: Elsevier Press.

2008      “Gerrymanders as Tradeoffs: The Co-Evolution of Social Scientific and Legal Approaches to Racial Redistricting,” In Designing
Democratic Government. 
Edited by Margaret Levi, James Johnson, Jack Knight, and Susan Stokes.  Co-authored.  New York: Russell Sage Foundation Press.

2008      “U.S. Implementation of WTO Decisions,” The Tenth Anniversary of the WTO.  Edited by Merit Janow, Victoria Donaldson, and Alan
Yanovich. Juris Publishing, Inc.  Press.

2006      “Conditional Presidential Leadership:  Pivotal Players, Gridlock, and Delegation,” in Presidential Leadership: the Vortex of
Power, 4th edition. Edited by Bert Rockman and Richard W. Waterman. Co-authored. Los Angeles, CA:
Roxbury Publishing Company.

2006      “Trends in Substantive and Descriptive Minority Representation, 1974–2000,” in The Future of the Voting Rights Act. Edited by
Rodolfo de la Garza, Sharyn O’Halloran and Richard Pildes.  Co-authored. New York: Russell Sage Foundation Press.

2006      “A Theory of Efficient Delegation,” in Delegation in Contemporary Democracies. Edited by Dietmar Braun and Fabrizio Gilardi.
Co-authored. London: Routledge Press.

2001      “No Net Effect: Internet Voting and Youth Participation in the 2000 Democratic Primary.”  Co-authored.  
Pew Charitable Trusts Report.

2000      “The Electoral Impact of Majority-Minority Districts,” in Continuity and Change in House Elections. 
Edited by David Brady, John Cogan, and Morris Fiorina.  Co-authored.  Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.

2000      “The Institutional Face of Power: Congressional Delegation of Authority to the President,” in Presidential Power: Forging the
Presidency for the 21st Century. Edited by Robert Shapiro et al. Co-authored.  New York: Columbia University Press.

2000      “Rationality and International Political Economy,” in The Encyclopedia of International Political Economy.  Edited by R.J.B. Jones.
London: Routledge.

1999      “A New Comparative Political Institution Web Database.”  Co-authored.  American Political Science Association—Comparative Politics
Newsletter, (summer).

1998      Labor Interests and the Politics of American Trade Policy,” in Exports, Imports, and the American Worker.  Edited by Susan Collins. 
Washington, DC: Brookings Institute Press.

1997      “Comment on Social Regulations and International Trade,” in Competitive Disadvantages? Domestic Social Regulations and the Global
Economy. Edited by Pietro Nivola.  Washington, DC: Brookings Institute Press.

1993      “Congress and Foreign Trade Policy,” in Congress Resurgent: Foreign and Defense Policy on Capitol Hill.  Edited by Randall Ripley and
James Lindsay.  Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.

Patents and Digital Resources 


Method and apparatus for access, integration, and analysis of heterogeneous data sources via the manipulation of metadata objects (US Patent 8171050 B2)

Digital Resource:

FinTech Lab: Risk Dashboard & OpenSource Risk Engine:

DataVine: Cross-national, time series database for comparative institutional analysis.

Contact Information

Sharyn O'Halloran

Public Appearances and Media